Studio Photography

About a decade ago I used to be Chris Weeda’s assistant engineer during big recording sessions at Wisseloord studios. He’s an incredibly talented and skilled engineer, so I learnt a lot and we always had a good time working together.

I’d take photos of the recording process just for fun. Now photography has become a “hobby gotten out of hand”. Whenever I think of it, I’ll take some photos during the recording process (which mostly means, grabbing my camera after all the recording is done, for I wouldn’t want to disturb the artist at work). A lot of photos have ended up in CD booklets, or shared on social media. I’m happy to take thinking about documenting the process out of the artist’s mind. And it’s quite soothing, at the end of a working day, to import the photo’s into my computer and work with image instead of sound for a bit.

Just before the holidays, Chris invited me and my camera to an intimate recording session with the lovely in a little cottage on a mysteriously hidden location at the foot of a small hill (yes if you go far enough to the south, the Netherlands has some…)

It was the perfect little get-away and I’m happy Sarah secretly took a photograph too, just while I’m taking a peek at their work (talking to Chris about reverbs) and listening to her exquisite music!

Fieke van den Hurk